Market Street

There is something really wonderful about arriving in a new place with the feeling and sensation that you have been there before, that you feel at home. That is the feeling I got when I walked out of the metro stop on St. Michel and walked the few blocks to what would be my home for the following 3 days. Granted, I have been in Paris before, but it feels like more than that. One of the most enticing charcteristics of this city is that it is so “out there” for you to experience. It is truly a…

Ile St. Louis

Greetings friends…. or should I say Bonjour or BonSoir- Well Bon Soir it is as the photos I am going to share first where all taken at night in what I have decide to call my favorite little street in Paris. Now, there are a thousand different choices and maybe next time I have a chance to wander the nooks and crannies of Paris, I will find and fall in love with a new favorite. But for this visit, this is the one. For a little geography lesson Paris is divided more or less down the middle by the…

Back at Home & Sleepy

I am back from my travels & living like some kind of a nocturnal creature for the last two days. Somehow transitioning to a new time zone was no problem when I had to get up and work & teach all day every day but has been MUCH harder when back in the luxury of my own home, napping when I want [& the munchkins let me] and waking up in the middle of the night, ready for a tasty dinner snack :-)! To finish off my travels, my bags decided to do another little tour of Paris while I landed…

And the Winners Are…..

I have to tell you that reading all of your wonderfully generous and kind comments was the highlight of my week before I left. I love to teach and to help spread a love of fabric, design and quilting, BUT I do not love to travel by myself without my husband or munchkins. So the week before I leave on a business trip, I always feel a bit anxious and not so excited. Once I get to my location, everything looks much better, but the process of going is certainly not my favorite. Mind you I am not complaining about…

In Madrid with no connection

Hello there Ladies & Gentlemen I am in Madrid! It feels so funny to be posting from here but I just wanted to let you know that things got a bit crazy right before I left and I did not get a chance to post the winners. I am so sorry for the delay. I have had a hard time finding a good connection for my laptop and am now posting from the office where I am teaching my classes. As soon as I am able to find a wireless connection in the next few days, I will post the…