Fig & Plum Winners

I have to tell you that reading each and every one of your comments makes me want to stop making patterns, get rid of all my computers, snuggle down with some applique in front of a roaring fire, make apple cider and go to pumpkin patches every day! I want to do nothing  but play in leaf piles with my kids, make hearty soups and take long walks in woods of turning leaves….   Okay…. fantasy over, back to reality. But seriously, your comments have really reminded me of what is important and has lasting value and…

Fig & Plum News & A Giveaway

So I hear that Fig & Plum has officially hit the streets or the shops rather. Why do I feel that every time a new collection finally reaches your hands that it has been the longest wait ever? None of the waits are probably any longer than the rest but somehow the one you are waiting for currently feels longer than all those others that came before… don’t you think? I am not known to be a patient person and this fabric designer thing certainly pushes that button on a regular basis, thank you very much! Anyway, I am…

Studio Updates

We are knee deep in that wonderful time of the year known as "pre-Market"…. need I say anything else! My advance yardage is finally here, my patterns are all about half done, my printer sees me pretty much every day and there are swatches and half used bolts of fabric all over the studio, the offices and even the living room. In fact since I was sick last week, my design computer has taken up house on our living room coffee table and my butt is seldom seen leaving the couch…. I could command armies…

Various & Sundry…

For the longest time, I had no idea what the words in that phrase above in the title actually were. Variousandasundry….. I just kind of said it all as one work, never stopping to think about what I was actually saying. Then one day I found the cutest little store in San Rafael CA… called, you guessed it, Various & Sundry [I don't even think it's there anymore].  How's that for your vocabulary tidbit for the day… most of you probably already knew it 🙂 So here is a few various…

Something new…

Today is the first day that all three munchkins are in school at the same time… There is a glorious stillness in the house. I am even afraid to play my MammaMia music so as to not disturb the quiet. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE spending time with all 3 of my creatures [that is an affectionate name even if it doesn't sound like it. A story for another time]. But don't get me wrong, I LOVE the hours of stillness when they are otherwise occupied :-)! Definitely a day to finish up…