Fresh Vintage

One of the questions I get asked the most often is, “What is Fresh Vintage?” If you’ve looked at our website or ever heard me lecture or do a workshop, you’ll know that I call the look and feel of the palette I use for Fig Tree, “Fresh Vintage”. I’ve been calling it that for so long, I don’t even know how it started except that I can tell you that is is very descriptive of what the style actually is. It is “VINTAGE” in that…

The Figs Greet You

Hello fellow quilters, crafters and bloggers- For those of you who are finding me for the first time, please read more about me in the ABOUT ME section of the blog. For those of you who are Fig Tree fans— I am so glad you are here. Many of you have asked me to share my inspiration and the process of design for me and this is what I hope to do here… It was sometime early last fall that I was first introduced to the world of blogging by my friend Jackie of the Wren’s…