Market Recap… AT LAST

… Well not quite. In an effort to enjoy Halloween with the munchkins, chronicle a bit of the fall loveliness around me and generally trying to clean up my studio and sewing room, I have completely fallen behind in showing you what is up, what is new and what was at Market!

So tomorrow I will show you a bit more about our booth at Market and our new stuff but today I thought I would just show a tiny bit of eye candy from the show itself. As I am sure you already know from following along on show recaps, it is really hard for the designers to get out of their booth to see much of the show. Close to impossible hard. One morning before all the hustle and bustle, I took a quick stroll just to take in all of the color. Here is a tiny bit of what I saw.

The photos are from [in no particular order]: Art Gallery, Riley Blake, Jen Kinsgwell, Anna Griffin, Kate Spain, Tula Pink,  Birch Fabrics, MODA and more [sorry if I missed someone].

Even though it was a very brief walk, the colors inspired me and made me happy.






Market aqua

Happy Eye Candy.


About The Author



  1. Kim | 12th Nov 13


  2. PatBravoDesign | 12th Nov 13

    Thank you so much for including my Rapture booth in your recap! 🙂

  3. Joanna | 12th Nov 13

    You are so very welcome. It was lovely!


  4. Miss Jean | 12th Nov 13

    It looks like bright cheery colors are in! Do you happen to know who makes the pattern for the birds, top picture, right hand corner. Would be so cute in Fig colors!

  5. Janan | 12th Nov 13

    Your photos make me happy too! Such fun colors for these fabrics in the Spring.

  6. Tina in Nevada | 13th Nov 13

    Love those colors in your pictures! Happy colors!!!

  7. virgin | 13th Nov 13


  8. Linda Arsenault | 17th Nov 13

    Love the quilt in the aqua box the one that has baskets and flowers it looks like there are hexies. Do you know the name of the pattern Thanks

  9. Joanna | 18th Nov 13

    Sorry, I dont. It was just a quick walk through Market.

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