Welcome to Week 1 of our Valentine’s Day 2025 MYSTERY SEW ALONG!
This week, you will be making (13) heart blocks that will later be joined with a few more units for your final blocks.
If you read carefully through the INTRODUCTORY BLOG POST, you will be able to find lots of info about what kinds of fabric you might want for each portion of the project, as well as total fabric requirements. Here are a few [more specific] helpful hints…
I have seen many great fabric pulls, but don’t worry too much about the whole quilt right up front. We will be taking it one step at a time and watching it grow together! Adjusting fabrics as you go is always a good idea anyway, and something I do every single time I design a quilt.
We are providing you instructions in TWO ways – both right here on the blog, as well as a downloadable PDF if you prefer a print-out (click below).
From your main block fabrics:
Step 1: Using [a/b/c] and the SEW & FLIP method, add (1) square [b] to the bottom left corner of [a] as shown. Add (2) [c] squares to both top corners as shown. Make (1) Unit #1 per block. Press out.
Step 2: Repeat the same process as in Step 1 to make (1) mirror image, Unit #1a for the other side of the heart.
Step 3: Join Unit #1 and Unit #1a to create your heart shape. Press open.
Make (13) hearts. Hearts will measure 6 ½” x 6 ½”.
NOTE: If using (2) coordinating prints, your hearts will show with two halves [right image].
See you back here next week! Don’t forget to join our FACEBOOK GROUP and share your progress!
Happy Sewing,
Our garden in Spring is filled with vines and flowers and bees [our neighbors are…
February 6, 2025Welcome back to our final week, Week 4, of our Valentine’s Day 2025…
February 5, 2025
Frances | 15th Jan 25
Valentines is one of my favorite thing. I can’t even imagine not making them. So let’s get sewing and enjoy this season with lovely friends and hearts everywhere ❤️
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 16th Jan 25
Let’s do it!
Carol Miller | 15th Jan 25
Joanna thank you so much for giving us this free Valentine’s mystery pattern… I’m so excited to sew along!!! ❤️❤️❤️
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 16th Jan 25
So glad you are joining us!
Rene Chilcote | 15th Jan 25
Wow what a pleasant surprise!❤️ I love Valentine
projects!! Gonna get started ASAP!! Thank you so
much for the free pattern!❤️
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 16th Jan 25
Happy Sewing!
Am soo excited, just got done cutting all my hearts and marking them, now to sewing!!!
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 16th Jan 25
Sounds like you are well on your way!
Anita | 15th Jan 25
Thank you for making a printable off and offering this free sew along! Love hearts and everything figgy so win win!
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 16th Jan 25
You are so welcome. Hope you enjoy!
New Fabric Collections & Quilt Kits – Bella Rose Quilts Blog | 16th Jan 25
Corinne Planthaber | 16th Jan 25
I can’t seem to download the printable pattern for the 2025 Valentine’s Mystery Quilt. Can you please tell me if there is something wrong?
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 16th Jan 25
Nothing is wrong. You might dry a different device or a different browser? Good luck!
BJ | 17th Jan 25
Thank you for the printable pattern but it will not download. I love valentine heart quilts.
Jeanne | 17th Jan 25
I love Valentine’s Day! It is the only time of the year when we get out all the pinks and reds. I also love that these posts are coming out on Wednesday – what a great mid-week thing to look forward to!
Deb | 18th Jan 25
This is lovely! I actually dislike heart quilts normally (yes, I’m odd that way) but this sounds very appealing to me. Thank you for sharing that you don’t usually like hearts either — I feel a bit more normal! I will enjoy this very much, I think, and have a TON of scraps I can use to make this, so a win on several levels. Thanks so much for going to all the trouble and work to put this together for us — we appreciate it!
Theresa Skrabanek | 19th Jan 25
Karee Sowards | 20th Jan 25
Thank you! Love your patterns.
Bev Williams | 23rd Jan 25
Hi, can’t wait to start, however, I am not finding the total fabric requirements, can you help?
Rhonda Pennington | 26th Jan 25
Thank you! This looks like so much fun! I am a new to the sewing world. Could you tell me how much fabric is needed for each color.
Rhonda Pennington
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 30th Jan 25
It is all in the INTRO POST to the Sew Along! Thanks so much for joining us.
Penny Denise | 30th Jan 25
I wish you had stated in the very beginning that it would be best to read the BLOG before beginning this quilt. I love doing it but really the blog helps so much better than just reading the instructions. I am not a quilters but a sewer/sewist and just didn’t get it what to do really; like the cut a strip 6&1/2″ and I had no idea that it would be by the WOF, Width Of Fabric. That really threw me for a spin. Thank you.
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 30th Jan 25
I am not sure how to help with this? The only way to get the information for this SEW ALONG is to the read the blog… the whole Sew Along is based on the blog 🙂
Hope you found what you are looking for!
Diane | 5th Feb 25
Hi ,
Am I allowed to make this heart quilt? Or is it a pay as you go kit?
Thank you
Diane Pretak
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 6th Feb 25
Open to all, no payments at all. Enjoy