Welcome to Week #28 of the MODA BLOCKHEADS SEW ALONG!
lee.macadam54@gmail.com Congrats and please email us your address for your bundle!
Hello friends! Its another lovely Wednesday morning and you know what that means… its that time again. What’s even better is that its OUR DAY on the Blockheads adventure…
I have to tell you that I have enjoyed this ride much more than I ever thought I would. I have loved seeing our red & cream version of the quilt emerge each week, block by block, but more than anything I have loved seeing your versions emerge over the months.
So let’s keep going my friends!
For my block this week, I decided to go for one of my personal favorites, the BROKEN DISHES BLOCK, a block that I have used over the years in many projects and patterns. Something about it just showcases both design and the fabrics used… not all blocks are able to pull that off in my opinion. Not sure of the origins of the name [other than the obvious nod to broken shards of dishes :-)] but it for sure traces back to the 1800’s and has been featured in many a favorite vintage quilt.
Check out my BROKEN DISHES BLOCK, DOWNLOAD PDF HERE for the block instructions for a 6″ and 12″ block. For the 8″ block, keep scrolling.
For our personal version, we created the 12″ size since I thought it was a perfect opportunity to feature a few of my favorite red prints as well as the cream prints too. As you can see, we picked a different print for almost every single section of the block. And it turned out to probably be our scrappiest block in the whole project so far. Its a mix of Scarlet and Sage, Christmas Figs and Catalina. If you are following along with our version, as I know many of you are, pay attention to the fact that we chose a variety of scales and two different cream prints for the backgrounds… as well as no solid background fabric.
For those of you looking for an 8″ version, this is my recommendation… Make the 6″ block, following the 6″ directions provided on the PDF. Then add a band with posts around the block as shown. Here is the info.
In honor of it being our turn today, I thought we would do a GIVEAWAY of a RED AND CREAM bundle of fabrics, one for INSTAGRAM and one for the BLOG. Leave a comment here below on the blog and tell me the name of your favorite traditional block… it can be simple or complicated. If you know anything about the history of your block, let me know what it is. I love those stories so much. If you follow along on Instagram… feel free to leave a comment there too, we will chose a separate winner from there as well. On Monday we will pick a winner from the blog and a winner from Instagram. Good luck!
I think they all play pretty well together don’t you think?
Photos of blocks just because…
A few of our recent favorites…
This Archive will be updated each week by MODA, in descending chronological order, with the newest block at the top. This is such a fabulous resource! We will keep this link in each week’s post here ON OUR BLOG as a resource.
If you have any questions at all, ask me in the comments below. Happy sewing friends!
LINK TO INSTAGRAM HERE. Instagram is the main social media that we use. I post photos every day, talk about my latest projects, show inspiration photos and generally post about my fabric and farm love with all of you!
LINK TO OUR FIG TREE FACEBOOK GROUP HERE. Our Fig Tree Friends Facebook group is a new addition in the last year and it is a great place to see what others are working on with Fig Tree fabrics, see people’s progress on our programs and follow along on general Fig Tree Facebook updates all in one place.
LINK TO SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL NEWSLETTER HERE. Newsletter comes out each week on Friday with latest goodies, upcoming releases, any sales or new kits and our $6 pattern of the week.
LINK TO OUR SHOP IN CASE YOU WOULD LIKE TO BROWSE HERE. Come check out our patterns, bundles and kits!
Here is a list of all the designers participating this year in the order that they have posted their weekly blocks. We are starting “round 2” so each designer already has one block on their block and we are now starting again at the top. Go check them out! They are a great group of ladies!
1.15 – Corey Yoder – https://corianderquilts.com/
1.22 – Sherri McConnell – https://www.aquiltinglife.com/
1.29 – Betsy Chutchian – http://betsysbestquiltsandmore.blogspot.com/
2.5 – Jan Patek – http://janpatek.blogspot.com/
2.12 – Brigitte Heitland – https://www.brigitteheitland.de/blog
2.19 – Lisa Bongean – https://lisabongean.com/
2.26 – Lissa Alexander – http://modalissa.com/
3.4 – Laurie Simpson – http://minickandsimpson.blogspot.com/
3.11 – Vanessa Goertzen – https://lellaboutique.blogspot.com/
3.18 – Stacy Iest Hsu – https://www.stacyiesthsu.com/blog/
3.25 – Robin Pickens – https://www.robinpickens.com/
4.1 – Janet Clare – http://janetclare.co.uk/blog/
4.8 – Jen Kingwell – www.jenkingwelldesigns.com/blog
4.15 – Joanna Figueroa – https://blog.figtreeandcompany.com/
It is hard to believe that this year long program is done. Can you guys…
February 2, 2021Welcome to Week #55 of the MODA BLOCKHEADS 3 SEW ALONG. I can’t…
January 27, 2021
Jessie Cloutier | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite traditional block is the pinwheel. I just love them!!
Suzanne Hampton | 22nd Jul 20
I still love log cabin blocks. Timeless!
Billie Bloodworth | 22nd Jul 20
I love the 9 patch. I’m not sure why but it has always drawn me.
Edie | 22nd Jul 20
Your red and white blocks are so pretty! My favorite block is any with a star – simple stars, Ohio stars – I love them all.
Donna Vunderink | 22nd Jul 20
I love your block. Such a traditional look. Thanks.
Jessica Reyleen Christensen | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Sawtooth Star block – and especially a Sawtooth within a Sawtooth.
Nancy | 22nd Jul 20
I am crazy for Churn Dash I suppose. I never realized it until I started pulling out my quilts thru the years and found that many were constructed from a modified Churn Dash😏.
Stephanie Nielson | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Churn Dash, in Christmas Figs of course!
Linda Zeider | 22nd Jul 20
There are many I like, but my favorite is the Log Cabin.
Susan S | 22nd Jul 20
I love the log cabin block best! It was in my first quilt and I have used it and some of its’ variations in several others. I am so enjoying your red and cream! It will be so stunning when done.
Melanie | 22nd Jul 20
I LOVE the. churn block! I just made a quilt using 3” 5” 9” and 15” blocks.
Cathy Miles | 22nd Jul 20
Am really enjoying the variety of blocks! Thanks so much for participating in this!
Elaine Mast | 22nd Jul 20
My favourite is probably a pinwheel block, but I also really like star blocks.
Dorothy Dudas | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite traditional block is any type of star. Ever since I started following Joanna’s sew & flip method my stars have never looked better!
KIMBERLY ARTH | 22nd Jul 20
Plain and simple – churn dash!!
elaine glenesk | 22nd Jul 20
i love crossand crow or turkey tracks or bear paw i love them all
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 22nd Jul 20
Cross and Crow? Will have to research that one.
Carolyn Sands | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Road to California block!
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 22nd Jul 20
I dont know that one. Will have to look it up!
Donna Bergeson | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite is the double after block. Not sure why but it was my go-to for block exchanges and also painted it as a barn quilt.
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 22nd Jul 20
Dont know that one?
Linda Dahlheimer | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the Churndash
That was the block for the first quilt I made
Cindi Schroeder | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Ohio star block and love your fabrics!
Yvonne Craig | 22nd Jul 20
I like the bear paw. All the blocks are beautiful!!
Lin Stricker | 22nd Jul 20
Churn dash
Donna Bergeson | 22nd Jul 20
Double Aster block. Darn auto correct!!
Pam Durant | 22nd Jul 20
I have to join others and say that you can’t go wrong with a churn dash. Love your BH3 blocks, what lovely fabrics.
Wendy Groves | 22nd Jul 20
I love your blocks! Can I have 3 favorites? They are (in order) Churn Dash, Bear Paw, and Sawtooth Star.
Gretchen | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is Bear Paw.
Belinda jones | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the log cabin. I know nothing about the history of this block, but I enjoy the different layouts you can achieve from this simple block.
Lori | 22nd Jul 20
The churn dash is my favorite block because that is the first quilt that I fell in love with at my first quilt show I went to and somehow that has always been my favorite! I am actually finishing up making my very 1st churn dash quilt today!!
Cyndia Gerner | 22nd Jul 20
I love the look of this red line! Just finished the Lily Rosenberry Quilt top pattern by Sue Garmen where all the berries were scrappy reds. These would have played nicely. And of course my block heads 3 blocks are liberally sprinkled with red. Hmmm- might be a patter behavior here!
Tracy Karkheck | 22nd Jul 20
My favourite block is the Ohio star – simple and pretty!
Nadine | 22nd Jul 20
I love stars! All stars. Any kind of stars.
Brenda Peplinskie | 22nd Jul 20
I am a traditional girl all the way …. how to choose a favourite …. love flying geese and any block made with them!
Debi Friesen | 22nd Jul 20
Such a pretty block! Look forward to making it. I really like Churn Dash.
Karen Smith | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite is the pinwheel…guess because there aren’t beaucoup pieces!! However, I do like today’s broken dishes block although there are more pieces. Thanks for the 8-inch instructions.
Hildy | 22nd Jul 20
I love star blocks all of them but if I can pick only one I say a traditional sawtooth star block. Simple, easy and perfect!
GayLynn | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Single Wedding Ring/English Wedding Ring/Crown of Thorns/Wishing Well block. This old one has many names, but I use it for wedding quilts. Lovely.
Susan Yancey | 22nd Jul 20
Love your posts! Heart is favorite block..very simple but love it! Would love to win some cream and red fabric! Doing Seaglass..love it too!
Lisa McQueeney | 22nd Jul 20
Churn dash. I’ve always thought of civil war quilts when I see this block but it’s just as beautiful in traditional quilt colors!
Julie | 22nd Jul 20
I’ve always claimed the Churn Dash to be my favorite block. It has made it’s way into many of the quilts I’ve made over the years. Your blocks and fabrics are beautiful. I enjoy seeing your progress.
Karen | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite traditional block is the churn dash block!
Followed very close by the log cabin!
Jean | 22nd Jul 20
It’s so wonderful that this week the block is “Broken Dishes” because I’ve been wanting to make this block for a long time 😀
I have 2 favorites…”Lady of the Lake” and “Broken Dishes”
Aimee | 22nd Jul 20
I agree, your blocks are beautiful and your quilt will be stunning! I love seeing the pile grow. I love the house blocks. Simple, comforting and so many variations.
Gail L Piper | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Ohio Star block – star blocks really “get” to me and I’ve lived most of my life in OH. But then – there are so many great blocks and so little time… 🙂
Donna Dvorshock | 22nd Jul 20
Do I have to choose one? There are so many I love. Ohio Star, or basically any star block gets my attention every time.
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 22nd Jul 20
the Ohio Star is a fabulous one!
Deb | 22nd Jul 20
My most favorite block to look at is Bear Tracks but my favorite block to make is the Crazy Quilt Block…I simply love making these and using up every scrap. Good quality fabric is quite costly, often I will forgo making paper pieced blocks and pineapple blocks which I love because they can be wasteful. Happy Days and Stay Healthy!
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 22nd Jul 20
I have been thinking of making a strippy crazy quilt block lately with scraps. I might have to do that!
Nicole | 22nd Jul 20
So hard to pick just one!! I think my favorite would be the log cabin – I love the idea of the heart of the home in the middle and how life has a light side and a dark side. It’s also a very versatile block that can be laid out in hundreds of ways and looks in any fabric – modern, traditional, scrappy, or two-colored.
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 22nd Jul 20
You are right… it is definitely one of the most versatile blocks out there!
Deb Brase | 22nd Jul 20
I do like so many blocks. I am new to quilting so learning about everything! This weeks block of yours is so pretty in the colors you have chosen . I find it difficult for me to choose fabrics for quilting that look good in a quilt. Thanks for your sharing all you information as I am learning a lot.
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 22nd Jul 20
Fabric choice is a really hard thing for many people, so don’t worry. We are here to help!
Lynn Julianelle | 22nd Jul 20
I am just making my first Log Cabin blocks and finding I am really enjoying them and the meaning behind the red or yellow square! Thanks for the 8″ variation…l
Linda stanchos | 22nd Jul 20
I love the sawtooth star!
Fran Hoffmeister | 22nd Jul 20
I luv the bow tie block, I have a quilt from my grandmother that was done in the the bow tie pattern which reminds me of a flower. She tied the quilt and put a tie in each of the center of the 4 blocks that remind me of flowers.
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 22nd Jul 20
Sounds lovely. Do you have a photo?
Robin T | 22nd Jul 20
My go to block is the Churn Dash. It can be traditional or varied to be modern. Always fun to create! I love your red and white blocks !
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 22nd Jul 20
Yes, churn dash is at the top of my list too!
Anne Klein | 22nd Jul 20
I love the 9-patch blocks. You can do so much with them!
Audrey | 22nd Jul 20
Your blocks are beautiful! I love your red and cream choice of fabric.
I love so many blocks but my favorites would be stars and pinwheels.
Thank you for the block you chose for Blockheads!
An | 22nd Jul 20
I love any kind of star block!
Jane | 22nd Jul 20
The Churn Dash is my favorite.
Denise Patterson | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the Ohio Star. It can look so different based on choice and placement of fabrics.
Leslie | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Lemoyne star block. I’m sure there are lots of variations as to its origin. I love near a town named Lemoyne so I like to think there is a connection to it
Debby Nisley | 22nd Jul 20
Friendship Star is my favorite.
Kay | 22nd Jul 20
Thank you for your designs. One of my favorites is the orange peel. I wanted to know the origin per your question. Here is a link to one story: https://ageofrevolution.org/200-object/laffayette-orange-peel-quilt/#:~:text=The%20link%20between%20orange%20peel,offered%20fruit%2C%20as%20was%20customary.
Robin Young | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite is the Churn Dash, broken dishes and double wedding ring, double axe head.
Michele Raiola | 22nd Jul 20
I love a traditional Basket block.
Becky Herron | 22nd Jul 20
One of my favorite quilt block is Rachel’s Reel or Order #11. There is a historical story that is related to “Bleeding Kansas” that Barbara Brackman has written. I am from Kansas and the older I get the more I am facinated with history. Below is a small quote from Barbara Brackman.
The quilt design Order Number 11 was published in the Kansas City Star in 1929 by Ruby Short McKim, a pattern designer from Independence, Missouri. She told the story of Fannie Kreeger Haller who as a ten-year-old, “saw her mother’s choice new quilt snatched from their bed by marauders back in 18[63]when Order No. 11 was the issue. She carried the treasured design in her mind and years after reproduced the quilt, christening it ‘Order No. 11’.”
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 22nd Jul 20
I love that story! thank you for sharing it. Barbara is a wealth of information isn’t she?
Terri | 22nd Jul 20
I love any star blocks! Your red & white blocks are awesome can’t wait to see it come together!
Theresa | 22nd Jul 20
The first patch I made in quilting was flying goose. It’s my all time fav! As for a block I love log cabin. I see every fabric collection in a log cabin setting and how I could arrange the colors to make a cute block.
Bev | 22nd Jul 20
I love the churndash!💕
Denise Stockwell | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is any form of the star block.
Regina Helmick | 22nd Jul 20
Log cabin. It originated from a time when people helped each other, people came together as a community to accomplish building a barn. Today we need this Outlook more than ever, with the virus, and our differences in culture. We need to come together as one community to help each other.
Paulette | 22nd Jul 20
I have always loved the star blocks and I insert one in each of my grandchildren’s quilts. They are my stars!
sharon butera | 22nd Jul 20
Ohio Star is my favorite two color block.
sharon lammlein | 22nd Jul 20
I have 2 favorite blocks-Log Cabin in any form, and the Churn Dash. I love the traditional patterns
Delilah Coyne | 22nd Jul 20
I love a good old-fashioned pinwheel block! ❤️
Janeen Kedzierski | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite is the mariners compass. It is so pretty and gives everything direction. It can be complicated or simple so it has lots of variety.
Carolyn Solomon | 22nd Jul 20
It’s a tie for my favorite traditional blocks. The two are Churn Dash and Variable Star. I know both have other names, Hole in the Barn Door and Monkey Wrench for Churn Dash. At the moment, the other names for Variable Star escape me
Teressa Clark | 22nd Jul 20
Star blocks – any star – always grab my attention. Lately I’ve been drawn to house blocks – with just a little imagination there are uncountable possibilities! Tumbling blocks quilts are probably my favorite; I’ve made one and discovered there’s no need to be squared of y-seams.
Your red and cream is stunning! Makes me think of my Mom – who loves everything red.
Nancie | 22nd Jul 20
Pinapple blocks are my favorite. I have not yet done a 2 color quilt!
Diana Rosenthal | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Bear Paw block but truly I love many blocks especially the ones I can’t do. Your block this week is beautiful. Thank you for giving your time and talent
Mary Richter-Zeunik | 22nd Jul 20
I love the nine patch. It can be so versatile.
Becky | 22nd Jul 20
That’s like trying to choose a favorite child!! I suppose I like the versatility of flying geese. I don’t understand why so many people struggle with that one. I’m also a sucker for a good Dresden plate block. Thanks, Joanna!
Lyndell Stone | 22nd Jul 20
I love the simplicity if the churn dash. I learnt to make the block for one of my first quilts only a few years ago.
Deb E | 22nd Jul 20
I’ve always loved the Churn Dash block – but any star block is a very close second. Love your blog!
Cindy Westover | 22nd Jul 20
Love the cream and red.
Myra W Plitt | 22nd Jul 20
Hard to choose! Log cabin, one of the first quilts I ever made. Love stars. 9 patches especially the chain they form when the alternate block is a star!
Jackie Myers | 22nd Jul 20
So difficult to chose a favorite. I have always like Delectable Mountains – as much for the name as for the design. Love your reds and creams. As it happens I am using all different reds and muslin om making a very bright (!) sampler baby quilt.
Teresa Frazier | 22nd Jul 20
I NEED this fabric line.
Glenna Denman | 22nd Jul 20
I like any variation of the traditional churn dash block. The original is nice and is a very old block. But there are so many more complex variations that one could make a sampler of just variations of churn dash.
Teresa Cochran | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the Nine Patch! I took a six week beginner quilting class in 1991 and our very first project was a traditional Nine Patch and I mean traditional ; ) We used cardboard templates, scissors and needle and thread and I made a lap quilt that I still have! It’s hand quilted too! By the way, we did move on to rotary cutters and sewing machines!
Paige McFall | 22nd Jul 20
I love making the Churn Dash. I also love any traditional-looking blocks, although I appreciate it when the construction has been updated to modern techniques. I guess that’s why I love Fig Tree so much! I have quilts with traditional blocks that my grandmother and great-grandmother made (all by hand of course), and those are the first things I pack whenever we are evacuating for a hurricane here in southeast Texas.
Debi Estleman | 22nd Jul 20
Pinwheels. No, wait. Churn Dash. Stars? This Libra simply can’t pick one favorite! Thanks for prompting me to try, though. 😉
Angela L Pannell | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite traditional block is the log cabin block. But my top three would include the Ohio Star and the Churn Dash. Love your block this week!
Genevieve Van Den Hout | 22nd Jul 20
Though I love so many blocks my all time favorite and go to one is the log cabin. I never tired of it. It’s so versatile
Mary Datwyler | 22nd Jul 20
Love bear paw blocks the most but pinwheels are fun too. First quilt I made as a teenager was a pinwheel – a little wonky to be sure – but made it from scraps leftover from cotton and poly/cotton dresses I made in home ec sewing class (hey, it was the 70’s). I was glad to find sewing (garment construction and quilting) as it helped me with critical practical math and geometry skills, something I never would have learned from a book as easily.
Angela Phillips | 22nd Jul 20
I love the bear claws block and flying geese. Triangles in general I suppose. Hard to pick one really. Love your blocks.
Linda Elgin | 22nd Jul 20
Just getting into quilting even though it runs in the veins of my dad’s side of the family. My grandparents had nine children and they had 3 quilt frames attached to their ceiling over the beds. At night they would lower them and quilt before going to bed. I have an Uncle that kept on quilting and when I married I asked him to make me a quilt/bedspread. The one request I had was that the Log Cabin be in the quilt. To this day, it is still one of my favorites. After 37 years of marriage I still have the quilt, only it has been retired from the original place. Now that I have started to learn about quilting, my admiration of his work runs so much deeper.
Cindy D | 22nd Jul 20
I love house blocks. Next up on my list is Miss Rosie’s Village.
Debbie Barlow | 22nd Jul 20
I love the storm at sea block. As the name suggests, there’s so much movement in storm at sea quilts. It’s mesmerizing.
Joyce Carter | 22nd Jul 20
Thank you so much for your block today and for the giveaway.
I love all the traditional blocks, but Dresden Plate and the Eight Pointed Star are my favorites.
Maria L Zook | 22nd Jul 20
I love star blocks in any and all variations, especially feathered stars. But I find I am also always drawn to quilts featuring the nine patch. There is just something about the simplicity.
Sally Williams | 22nd Jul 20
Hard to pick just one but I’ll pick the Ohio Star in honor of my home state 😊
Debbie R. | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Churn Dash block. Beautiful simplicity!
Jeanne Kaye Speight | 22nd Jul 20
My favourite block would have to be Log Cabin, with either the Red (hearth) centre, or Yellow (Light in the Window) centre. I never get tired of making it. I absolutely love your colourway in this Blockheads 3 — Rd and White/Cream are gorgeous!! Also, Red is my go to colour– everytime!!
Christine | 22nd Jul 20
Churn dash is my favorite
Susanne M. | 22nd Jul 20
My favorites are Card Trick and Tumbling Blocks. I love optical illusions.
Linda Bick | 22nd Jul 20
I love the bear claw block!
CarrieCamron | 22nd Jul 20
Hi Joanna, I just love your versions of these blocks in your color way.. I f I do this again I think I will try my favourite colorway Blues. Thank you for all your creative input anvice and especially your beautiful fabrics.
Melanie | 22nd Jul 20
You inspired me last year with your teaser of a red a cream bundle, so I too am doing a red and cream version and absolutely love it!!!! I can’t wait to do block 28 🙂
Amy Romig | 22nd Jul 20
I love Ohio Star blocks – likely because it was the first block I ever did -but also because you can make it look simple or fancy just with color choices!
J Sewell | 22nd Jul 20
Anything with HST .. they are so versatile and the opportunity to see it so in red and white (cream) what a bonus.. event if I’m not chosen, I’d like to see the finished product. Thanks for the opportunity 😊
Lynda P | 22nd Jul 20
One of my many favorites is the Lemoyne Star. It’s almost magical the way it forms from simple HSTs!
Marcia Reed | 22nd Jul 20
Love your block. Really great in the red and white. My favorite block is the Ohio Star since I am an Ohioian.
enjoy your block. Thanks.
Jeanie | 22nd Jul 20
Churn Dash is my favorite. And Fig Tree Fabric 🙂
Gisele Dugas | 22nd Jul 20
I still like the simple log cabin. It can be traditional, scrappy and even modern, depending on the choice of fabrics.
Brandy Kelton | 22nd Jul 20
Love the Catalina Star block!
Tu-Na Quilts | 22nd Jul 20
I like blocks that tell a story such as a boat block or a house block or a dog block. Maybe these are called theme blocks.
Carol | 22nd Jul 20
I love the log cabin block the most. I also love that the center square was traditionally red to represent the family or fire/hearth of the home. That’s my kind of block :).
I haven’t quilted with reds much but all of your Moda Blockheads blocks makes me want to start using it more. They are all so pretty!
DeAnn | 22nd Jul 20
Carolina Lily and Ohio star. Is it ok to have Two🥰
Marge Pietrowski | 22nd Jul 20
I just, love all the red and white blocks, they are charming. Your broken dishes block is my favorite this week, thank you!!
Jackie S. | 22nd Jul 20
I love different variations of star blocks. On of my favorite quilts that I made uses a basic star with a four-patch in the center. It’s a very scrappy quilt with blues, reds, plums,, browns, tans and creams.
Susan Tracey | 22nd Jul 20
I love all star blocks so I will have to go with the Ohio Star! And I hit the jackpot today for the current block as I have all the fabrics to copy you again!
Sandy Henderson | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Log Cabin block! It’s so methodical. The other blocks I can’t wait to piece are the Economy block and Churn Dash block. Your red and cream squares are so beautiful and calming!
Kim Peterson | 22nd Jul 20
I love anything w a star. My favorite star is the sawtooth star
Diane S. | 22nd Jul 20
Star Blocks and Bear Paw make my heart sing.
linda landis | 22nd Jul 20
If I had to pick just one block it would have to be log cabin. I hate to waste scraps and I can use everything into these blocks. There are so many different arrangements to assemble the blocks.
Christine Marshall | 22nd Jul 20
I’m always drawn to quilts with stars, but my favorite one to sew is probably the friendship star. So many choices, it’s hard to pick one.
Lisa Wilson Grant | 22nd Jul 20
I really like Burgoyne Surrounded – I chose it for my first machine-pieced quilt, just because I liked the variety and the way the blocks all linked together – and didn’t know of its American Revolution story it was named for. I researched about General Burgoyne of the British Army and the Battle of Saratoga. It was pretty cool because coincidentally I had just joined the DAR at that point in time. In the Battle of Saratoga, “the decisive American victory resulted in the surrender of Burgoyne’s army on October 17, 1777, and convinced the French to ally themselves with the Americans…an historical event of such importance to the founding of the United States”.
Beury | 22nd Jul 20
Love the rolling stone block! and any star block as well, my two favorites:)
Dot | 22nd Jul 20
I love star blocks, so sawtooth star!
Eva Reichert | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Ohio Star and the Lemoyne Star Block the most.
Shirley | 22nd Jul 20
Love the log cabin block, the first block I sewed on my quilting journey
Marylee Robertson | 22nd Jul 20
I think I would choose Ohio Star because it is one of the first blocks I made.
Barbara Freeland | 22nd Jul 20
I like a traditional snowball block that really lets the fabric shine.
Tawna | 22nd Jul 20
I love your reds and creams! My favorite block is anything with stars.
Sharon | 22nd Jul 20
My favourite block currently is the Carolina Lily.. being a newer quilter not sure if this is considered a classic, but I love it.
Dianne Leever | 22nd Jul 20
Love the block and the colorway. You are so inspiring and motivating. As a new quilter I feel like I can do this with care. Thank you.
Karen | 22nd Jul 20
I am a new quilter and love the spool blocks because the color combinations are endless.
Judi Casias | 22nd Jul 20
I like double Irish Chain, I first started making them from Quilt in a Day books and discovered how easy it is use preprinted panels in the center. Made some cute quilts from that pattern.
Kathy Richins | 22nd Jul 20
I don’t really have a favorite hence, my love of sampler quilts. I love the variety and get bored with repeating the same block.
Joan | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite right now is the Friendship Star! So many ways to make it
Jane O | 22nd Jul 20
I’ve always loved the Monkey Wrench ( one of it’s many names ). It is very versatile.
Thank you for another great block !
Jenny Coplenad | 22nd Jul 20
Pick me for the red fabrics – they won’t work in my Grey tone BH3, but I will put them to good use elsewhere! LOL
Christy N | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite is “Churn Dash — love that smaller blocks can be added to the inside square or just kept plain and simple!!
Kathleen Murphy | 22nd Jul 20
I have to say my favorite is the pinwheel, and all of it’s possible variations. The reason is that to my utmost surprise, my hubby declared a few weeks back that his favourite was the pinwheel. I was gobsmacked that he even had a favourite. and that he would be willingly declaring he had a favorite. So I’ve made it mine too ❤️
Shelly | 22nd Jul 20
Love your red and cream blocks! My favorite traditional pattern is churn dash, with Ohio star coming in a close second.
Janna | 22nd Jul 20
The saw tooth start is my favorite.
Rebecca Shaw | 22nd Jul 20
Love this block. One of my favorites. Thank you.
Patsy Chalker | 22nd Jul 20
I’ve never thought about a favorite block. My favorite quilts are samplers, but I tend to be drawn to star blocks and chains.
Marta | 22nd Jul 20
Ja kocham Log cabin. To pierwszy blok jaki uszyłam. Tradycyjny z wieloma możliwościami. Lubię go szyć. 💖
Donna W | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is anything that has a star in it! Do love your block and know I will be making it very soon.
Kris | 22nd Jul 20
Swoon Block!
But I love all Fig tree quikts. In my house it is Fig Tree Friday so I can work on all my fig Tree BOM! I’m doing Woodlands, Black and Cream, All Hallows’, and Christmas Fig. My goal is to finish them all before the new kit comes out that Kimberly is stitching along with at FQS!
Nancy B | 22nd Jul 20
The nine patch has long been a favorite…so easy and so versatile!
Carol B. | 22nd Jul 20
I love the half square triangle as I can make so many different patterns with them and they are easy to make for charity quilts.
Bobbie Z. | 22nd Jul 20
Love your red and cream blocks that you shared,=…just beautiful. My favorite block to make is anything that composes HSTs…..I love all the different designs you can create with these patches. Thank you for the fabric opportunity.
Leona | 22nd Jul 20
Log cabin blocks are an all time classic. There are so many ways to change up the layout.
Cari janssen | 22nd Jul 20
Log cabin,love the variety of patterns made from one block.
Kendra Maclean | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the Dresden Plate just because. 🙂
Leslie T. | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Ohio star block. There a so many ways to use it in quilts.
Christopher Lum | 22nd Jul 20
i’ve always loved the economy block. i think for the same reasons you mentioned with the broken dishes block in that it can showcase the fabrics used. in addition by adding triangles it can infinitely grow and grow!
Alexandria Platter | 22nd Jul 20
I love a Jacobs ladder block. There’s something about all the secondary patterns that just makes me happy. I tend to swap out the center four patch for a fussy cut block to really highlight a theme in the quilt or fabrics of the block.
Frances Anderson | 22nd Jul 20
There are so many wonderful blocks out there! My all time favorite is the Churn Dash, then the Classic Nine Patch, next the Sawtooth Star, and finally the Log Cabin! Your block is gorgeous as usual. Thanks for the chance to win!
Linda Janovitz | 22nd Jul 20
I am crazy about STAR blocks !!!!
Frances Anderson | 22nd Jul 20
There are so many wonderful blocks out there! My all time favorite is the Churn Dash, then the Classic Nine Patch, next the Sawtooth Star, and finally the Log Cabin! Your block is gorgeous as usual.
Heather Lyon | 22nd Jul 20
It’s really hard to pick, but I love making log cabin blocks, and the schoolhouse block!🥰
Kristi Castanette | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is Clay’s Choice. It’s the very first quilt block I learned to sew many years ago and it’s still my favorite!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! Figures crossed!!
Tina Robinson | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the log cabin with heart in the center.
I’m glad I found this website.
Thank-You for all your hard work to put this all together.
Happy Stutches!
Tina Robinson | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the log cabin with heart in the center.
I’m glad I found this website.
Thank-You for all your hard work to put this all together.
Happy Stitches!
Maryanne Richards | 22nd Jul 20
I love house blocks. They are so versatile and can go with any style of quilt you choose, modern, traditional and even theme (Halloween houses would be darling).
Kristie | 22nd Jul 20
I love a churn dash block! Just something about it….
Alonnie Clarkson | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is a postage stamp basket block.
Anna | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite traditional block is the churn dash block, best when the fabrics are kept to 2 or 3.
Joan Anderson | 22nd Jul 20
Still love your pineapple block and the quilt I made with your fabric 🙂
Vicky H | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Churn Dash Block. I have seen the Double Churn Dash and the Nested Churn Dash. Both are calling to be made soon. Just need to find the right fabric colors. The red and cream would make a beautiful quilt. Love your blocks.
Thank you for the giveaway.
Kim S | 22nd Jul 20
I don’t really have a favorite quilt block because your fabrics make them all look so pretty.
Teresa Yeargin | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the pinwheel block. I do love most all blocks since I’m new to quilting.
Laura | 22nd Jul 20
Log cabin. And the nine patch because the quilt my grandmother made me is all mine patches and mini 4 patches
Cindy Leake | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the very first one I started with – Log Cabin. I think part of the reason I like it is because it is so versatile by changing the log sizes or color combinations. I made a quilt that had circles on it but was made by placing the color of the logs in a specific order. Circles out of straight lines – blows my mind! I also love the tradition of the center log being red to represent hearth and home.
Carolyn Solomon | 22nd Jul 20
My favorites are Churn Dash and Variable Star, although pinwheels and other HST blocks are fun too! Hard to pick just one!
Alice Crandall | 22nd Jul 20
I love star blocks and flip & sew method. I’ll choose maple star quilt block tho ❤️ Ohio star too!
Jacqueline Ketchum | 22nd Jul 20
I am a huge fan of the Storm at sea pattern. I love how the straight lines of the blocks give you the optical illusion of curved lines. Inner math geek rejoice!
Debbie Harris | 22nd Jul 20
My all-time favorite block is the log cabin block but lately I have had so much fun with HST units. So many patterns you can make with them!
Jane Opp | 22nd Jul 20
I love all types of blocks, but I have to say that I am drawn to any type of star block. Might go along with being drawn to patriotic projects, but then who am I kidding, I’m drawn to all prijects quilty!
Gail Arthur | 22nd Jul 20
I am new to the quilting scene, but I do love the stars and bear claws. I’m so glad that I have found Fig Tree & Co. Your fabrics are BEAUTIFUL!
Susan Gardner | 22nd Jul 20
It is really hard to choose my “favorite” block I think it would have to be 54-40 or fight. I like how the points look different when you turn them on point.
piecrust | 22nd Jul 20
Your fabric always makes me happy. Seaglass is my absolute fave.
Traci slomba | 22nd Jul 20
Love a churn dash! I’ve always had a soft spot for it!
Valeree Lecey | 22nd Jul 20
I love flying geese and any block that includes using them such as star blocks, Dutchman’s puzzle, circling geese, etc.
Laura Swensen | 22nd Jul 20
The Ohio Star is this one I love sewing together. Maybe because it has flying geese too!
Geneal Yardley | 22nd Jul 20
Trip Around the World. One of the first quilts I made with the strip method was the Trip Around the World in a Day. I loved choosing the fabrics to change the values from dark to light.
Jeanette Nestman | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Card Trick block. You can do so much with it and so many different colors.
April Bond | 22nd Jul 20
The granny square quilt block is my favorite, because it is the first I learned how to make! This lockdown is when I found out I could sew and that I LOVED SEWING AND QUILTING! I love to purchase the fabrics – i have a problem with all of it! I get up early to sew before work and its all I think about all day long and can’t wait to cook super for the family and get in my sewing room to work on a project of many I have started! I have finished one T-shirt quilt and I have started quite a few more quilts, made a few patchwork bags, and have my granny square quilt over halfway finished! I think I have 22 blocks made of the 30 I plan to create! Happy quilting everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stephanie Valdez | 22nd Jul 20
The Churn Dash block is one of my favorites. It is simple and classic.
Sherry Bruton | 22nd Jul 20
Sherri McConnell’s alternate block 18, Mini Lilies, has become my favorite. I plan on putting these blocks into the border of this quilt, and/or add them as cornerstones in the sashing. I really love the blocks that form flowers.
Stephanie Hironimus | 22nd Jul 20
The Churn Dash has always been a favorite block of mine, and since you asked, I decided to do a bit of research on it… the block dates back to at least the mid-1800s. The name comes from its resemblance to the cross-shaped paddle in the center of a butter churn. I have a few churn dash blocks in my very first quilt 🙂
Shannan Thompson | 22nd Jul 20
I love the LeMoines Star, sometimes called the Lemon Star. So simple and yet it looks complicated.
Joyce Herbold | 22nd Jul 20
I love the simple nine-patch. There are so many variations you can do with this block.
Louise G. | 22nd Jul 20
So many favorites! I love Jacob’s Ladder – It’s on my mind as I plan to make a scrappy queen sized version for our bedroom.
Karen Nelson | 22nd Jul 20
my favorite block is between 2– Corn and Beans OR Farmer’s Daughter. I have been a town kid my whole life but we had a big family and a very big garden. I always considered myself a Farmer’s Daughter/Child because my father and mother were both farm kids. Now I am lucky enough to live on a farm, enjoy the farm life and live it with my loving farmer husband! Thankyou for the beautiful block and your fabrics are just wonderful!!
Angela | 22nd Jul 20
I love Cathedral Window blocks although I have never made one.
Jeanne | 22nd Jul 20
I have always been drawn to the Dresden block for some reason. Although I cannot wait to try my hand a log cabin quilt soon.
Deb | 22nd Jul 20
Log cabin will always have a special place in my heart, because a log cabin “Quilt in a Day” was my very first quilt! I can still remember all the giddy feelings that I was actually making a quilt for someone! I still enjoy making and giving away quilts. But now I really like Houses quilts too and just finished binding my houses quilt that I made for the Sewing a Village sew-along,
Katherine | 22nd Jul 20
My first thought was 9-patches! I love making them. Star blocks of any kind are a very close second.
Kresti Lyddon | 22nd Jul 20
I love your red and white blocks – a red & white quilt is on my bucket list!
Joyce Zsembery | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the Shoo-Fly block, followed closely by Churn Dash. Both reflect my family heritage and memories of family gatherings, whether for holidays, birthdays or anniversaries. I hope that my grandchildren will also have favorite family memories, with grandma’s stitching part of the color of remembrance!
Anita Bigley | 22nd Jul 20
Maple Leaf block 🍁 My grandparents had a Maple farm, so it reminds me of them. 😊
Karen S | 22nd Jul 20
I think my favorite is the nine-patch block. Not terribly complex, but so much can be done with them. The bear paw comes in second. Love this red-and-white collection of blocks. So glad you are part of this year’s Moda Blockheads!
Candace Rice | 22nd Jul 20
Right now I am obsessed with star blocks, any kind of star! As a relatively new quilter, I love reading the comments and now have to go take a harder look at the churn dash! I LOVE the red and white!
Beverley Browning | 22nd Jul 20
I’m not a big fan of start blocks but I do like the “Aunt Mary’s Suhshine Star” block – I guess because it makes me think of my aunt Mary. Also lovevthe look of the Nip Tuck block.
Dianne Davenport | 22nd Jul 20
I love the churn dash block. I don’t know anything about its origin. I just find it pretty, and it lends itself to some fun quilting
Mary Kolb | 22nd Jul 20
I’ve always like the churn dash block.
Jodie Stewart | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite quilt block is the bear’s paw. Legend has it that a bears paw quilt showed slaves using the Underground Railroad where to find food, water, and shelter.
Ann | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the log cabin. Just love how you can set it and form so many different variations, as well as great for using scraps! Thanks for sharing beautiful your blocks and for the chance to win your giveaway.
Brenda Elton | 22nd Jul 20
I love anything with stars ⭐️
Diana Lentz | 22nd Jul 20
The first quilt I made was Log Cabin one of my all time favorite quilt patterns ❤️!
Kay Romahn | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite quilt block is the churn dash block.
Sharon | 22nd Jul 20
I love all basket blocks, and any block with triangles in it, i.e. cut glass, lady of the lake, etc. For hand piecing, I love rising sun blocks.
Jan Bretzel | 22nd Jul 20
I don’t have a specific block to name but I love asymmetrical blocks. Just by rotating them you can get so many designs. My favorite color is red so I love the blocks you are doing!
Marsha Voigt | 22nd Jul 20
I love so many quilt blocks. I suppose at the top of my list is the churn dash as it is the first one I ever made and made a placemat, years ago.
Jill Pierman | 22nd Jul 20
I am a fairly new quilter but I find myself drawn to the patterns that have star blocks. I just love the look of them. I do step WAY out of my comfort zone most of the time and try new and different things and this Blockhead 3 has helped me learn a lot and I love the challenge. Love your fabrics and especially the red and white. Thank you for your designs and fabrics – they are wonderful.
Candy | 22nd Jul 20
I just adore log cabin blocks. I have made several large quilts with this block. Don’t know the history but I assume it goes back to log cabin days. 😉
Mary Jo | 22nd Jul 20
One of my favorite quilt blocks is a shoo fly. I think its name comes from a child’s rocker with a seat supported between two animal shaped walls. My much younger sister had a horse shoofly when we were children and I liked the word.
Amanda Smith | 22nd Jul 20
Stars of any kind!
Kim C | 22nd Jul 20
I’m crushing on your lovely two color blocks! 😍 The nine patch block will always be my first love. I have a quilt that is made up of nine patches and square in a square blocks and I just adore it.
Ann Ellis | 22nd Jul 20
I like Martha Washington
Monica Sayre | 22nd Jul 20
I love pineapple blocks – there are so many traditional and modern interpretations of them. Dating back to colonial times, they are a mix of log cabin and courthouse steps. Some quilters refer to them as Maltese Cross or Windmill Blades. The block would look great with combinations of reds and creams!
Lisa Webster | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block has always been log cabin because I have fond memories of my grandmother quilting a log cabin quilt by hand sitting on the floor of her living room. Lived into her 90’s and she loved sewing and quilting and I am very thankful to have one of her log cabin quilts complete with her embroidered name on one corner. I have always wanted to quilt and finally, I am at the place in my life where I can do what is so much a part of who I am and carry on this lovely tradition of making things from fabric and thread. I have 4 daughters so hopefully one or all will enjoy this art. Love and always in awe of everything you do Joanna!
Kathy Bertsch | 22nd Jul 20
Pinwheels always make me smile 😊
Trudy Moye | 22nd Jul 20
It’s too hard to pick a favorite. Monkey wrench, pinwheel the list just goes on an on.
Ellen in Oregon | 22nd Jul 20
I have always liked the Broken Dishes block and all its’ variations. I enjoy seeing your 2 color blocks. While I like quilts with lots of color variety, I also love the simplicity of a controlled color pallet. My absolute favorite quilts is the pineapple block. This is one of the few quilt blocks I have not attempted to make, but I am a bit intimidated by its’ complexity. Hopefully, I will overcome my fears and make the quilt of my dreams.
Sandy Bowen | 22nd Jul 20
I love a pinwheel block or stars
Patricia Gose | 22nd Jul 20
I have two favorite blocks – Churn Dash and any kind of star block.
DEB WORTHMAN | 22nd Jul 20
I like the bowtie block. It’s simple, but looks complicated.
Sandra Monroe | 22nd Jul 20
One of my favorite blocks is the Amish Star.
Marie Eddins | 22nd Jul 20
Star blocks are pretty much my favorites. But the star block I find the most versatile is the Sawtooth Star block. It’s great on its own. Or the square center can be any other block one would like to put in there to make it even more interesting. As many of the blocks names came from early Americans, the Sawtooth block got its name from the triangles that are reminiscent of a saw’s cutting edge!
Linda Hoover | 22nd Jul 20
I am always drawn to star blocks! But I think I love houses, pinwheels, churn dash too.
LFane | 22nd Jul 20
You’ve inspired me to try a red and white quilt.
Patricia Anderson | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite is the log cabin block. It was used in one of my first quilts I made and I absolutely loved it! I love doing applique as well! Thanks
Janice Kelley | 22nd Jul 20
One of my favorites is the. Hole in the barn door.
carol thomas | 22nd Jul 20
I like the churn dash block.
Sheryl LaMont | 22nd Jul 20
My current favorite traditional block is cathedral window. My favorite changes from time to time. I am enjoying Block Heads very much. It is such a skill builder. And Thank You for all you hard work and devotion.
Elizabeth Schraeder | 22nd Jul 20
It’s hard to pick just one block that I love the most… if I have to pick it’s a simple one “Snowball” block. I saw my first Snowball block quilt when I was very young at an Amish store and I fell in love. Funny thing is I told myself I was going to recreate that quilt and here it is many many years later and I’ve yet to make a snowball quilt, I’ve made the block but not the quilt. I love the block you chose and can hardly wait to make it. LOL I remember reading about the Broken Dishes block in the Little House Series of books.
Sandra Moore | 22nd Jul 20
I have always loved anything with stars. If I had to pick one, it would be Ohio Star.
Wendy | 22nd Jul 20
I love pinwheel blocks! Your red and white blocks are so pretty and fresh looking. Thanks for sharing!
Denise | 22nd Jul 20
I have many favorites. But, I have to say the churn dash because it was the first quilt block that I learned to make. My first quilt, at the age of 12, was a churn dash quilt.
Vickie Bell | 22nd Jul 20
I like both the churn dash block and the Ohio Star block
Cindy Crist | 22nd Jul 20
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Tree of Life vintage block.
Kathy in WV | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is 54-40 or Fight set on point. Thank you for a chance to win. My red/cream stash is getting low!
Maureen Busby | 22nd Jul 20
I love the folded corner block. It looks like the block is being cuddled.
Brandy | 22nd Jul 20
I love any blocks with stars but truly, there are few I don’t care for. I love sampler quilts and the block varieties.
Jennifer PADDEN | 22nd Jul 20
I think my favorite traditional block is either churn dash or Ohio star. The Ohio star block was the majority of my first quilt and churn dash blocks are just so much fun to make. thanks for the opportunity!
Kay Sweeney | 22nd Jul 20
I especially like Basket Blocks, like Cake Basket.
I’m loving the red and cream blocks!!!
Patty Jones | 22nd Jul 20
Picking just one block for a favorite is tough, it would be easier to pick just one that I didn’t like! LOL! I think I have to go with the Log Cabin though; the first quilt I started was a scrappy tumbler quilt to replace one made by a family member that was getting very worn. Unfortunately, we had a house fire and lost everything but our lives. One of the first things my hubby bought me after we were settled back in our barn turned into a house was a sewing machine. My daughter and I teamed up to make a Log Cabin quilt for her adopted nephew as a welcome to the family gift. That was so much fun, and the number and variety of layouts hooked me; not to mention the “hearth” block being the center of the home, and the fact that a solid home life has such a way of affecting our whole lives. I have had the heart yet to remake that tumbler quilt, but it is on my list for a future project.
Thanks for all of your inspiration and beautiful fabrics!
Jennifer Peters | 22nd Jul 20
Being new to quilting I do not have a favorite traditional block. I have loved watching these blocks come out and the variations that the different designers make! So much to learn.
Dania Kinney | 22nd Jul 20
Feathered Star is my favorite block pattern!
Kim Fish | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite traditional block is the churn dash. I don’t know why but that block has always appealed to me.
Laura Parsons | 22nd Jul 20
I am new to quilting, so not really sure on the names of blocks. I do like Pinwheel and Log Cabin. There are many others, but I don’t know the names! 🙂
Linda Miller | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block so far on Blockheads 3, as well as my favorite block ever, is Janet Clare’s Hampshire Star. I love that there are so many ways to change it up also.
Joyce Sanders | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is Jacob’s Ladder.
Dorris Dale | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite traditional block is the churn dash. I really like lots of the traditional blocks. My favorite type of quilt is a sampler using all traditional blocks.
Dianne | 22nd Jul 20
I’m a fan of stars, especially feathered stars. Love your current block of broken dishes which is more my speed in the kitchen, haha!
Catherine Teske | 22nd Jul 20
Love the nosegay/bridal boquet block! Just sweet!
Fran Ricci | 22nd Jul 20
I love any of the star blocks, I can’t pick just one.
Reta Evenson | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Corn and Beans block…because I grew up on a farm! 🙂
Louise M Haddon | 22nd Jul 20
I have always been drawn to the Snails Tail block
Gwynette in NWArkansas | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the Churn Dash. I love the simplicity and it reminds me of my grandmother quilting many years ago.
Susan Crist | 22nd Jul 20
Any star block is my favorite. You can make them with half square triangles it flying geese. Love making the geese.
Louise Holsapple | 22nd Jul 20
Log cabin and Wedding Ring are 2 of my favorites. Wedding Ring reminds me of the quilt on the guest bed at my husband’s aunt’s house. I continued her tradition of making a quilt for all the children of the family. It’s a great way to honor her memory and talent.
Dianne Leever | 22nd Jul 20
I love the mini bow tie block! It was made of tiny tiny scraps and combined into the most amazing quilts I especially like the ones made from men’s shirting!
Anita Rohman | 22nd Jul 20
Love your block! I think I like the classic Ohio Star block, you can make it look so different depending on what fabrics you use plus it’s easy!
Cindy Strauss | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite is the simple nine patch. My father was my hero, he died a couple of years ago. He grew up very poor during the depression. He was the youngest of 6 children and his mother died when he was 4 or 5 years old. The last quilt top she pieced is a sweet scrappy nine patch sashed with a light yellow solid fabric, hand pieced. The quilt top was never quilted until I got married 42 years ago when my mother had a group of ladies hand quilt it for me. I so wish I had known my grandmother but my dad really did not remember her. I treasure that quilt and treat it with much care. It is a bit fragile and 90 or more years old. When I look at it I have mixed feelings of joy that I have it and sadness that she never got to see her children grow up and what wonderful people they all became. That is why the simple nine patch is my favorite.
Nina Rowan | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block, so far, is the LeMoyne Star. I think I love it because it was one of the first blocks I made and I was surprised at how pretty it turned out and that gave me confidence.
Debra Newhall | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the house block. Thank you for your alternative blocks!!!
Penny | 22nd Jul 20
Drunkard’s Path. Making them is addictive.
Donna Sproston | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Churn Dash. It was named after the end of the pole that went into the churn or so they say. That was before my time, but I am old enough to remember squeezing the bag of white oleo with its orange coloring packet until it resembled butter! A favorite quilt was made with a charm pack of Figs for the centers and a layer cake of Figs for the churn dashes.
Kim A. | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the bear paw. Was long ago, and to this day still is. Runner up is the traditional log cabin block.
Becky | 22nd Jul 20
Absolutely love all your red and white blocks! Any type of star is my favorite block and then I think
flying geese or a house block would be next.
M lomsdalrn | 22nd Jul 20
54 40 fight Block women had no outlet for political expression and the block was the expression of patriotic American women.”
Sherri L. | 22nd Jul 20
I like all things sunflowers, but lately I really like the Morning Star or Evening Star block. Thank you for your generosity. Your fabrics and quilting work is lovely.
Marcy Oren | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block (this week) is the Rolling Stone block.
P.S. If you decided to sell some of those red & cream bundles I’d would be very happy to buy one!
Rayleen | 22nd Jul 20
I love all these blocks! I just started quilting in January & I’m trying to build a good knowledge foundation as I go along piecing & quilting quilts for my family. I don’t have a favorite block as I only know a few. This blog gave me many more to look up. I love the opportunity to explore styles of designers, beautiful fabrics, and how they build their blocks. This is an exciting journey.
Maryland Gess | 22nd Jul 20
Beautiful fabric. Wish I had made mine with red and white fabric. Love the block.
Sue Latimer Powers | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the Dresden Plate.
Michelle Combs | 22nd Jul 20
I have two favorite traditional blocks: the sawtooth star (and it’s variations) – I love how it can elevate a cute fabric to something magical! And I love churn dash… it’s homey and comforting, steeped in tradition and heartening back to days when families provided for themselves, and lived more simply, and mothers and daughters might take turns with the butter churn… I’ve often thought I was born in the wrong century 🙂 (But 100 years ago I wouldn’t have had Fig Tree fabrics of my Elna!! 💕)
Karen | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is a nine patch!! Such a simple versatile block!! =:)
Rhonda Loose | 22nd Jul 20
I love the Ohio Star. It is simple but can be so elegant.
Patricia Lee | 22nd Jul 20
Thank-you so much for the 8″ reccomended round. I love your red/white patterns. Amazing how great the contrast shows with just more red or white.
Lynda Gordon | 22nd Jul 20
The Ohio Star is my favorite block, for 2 reasons. First of all, it’s the first quilt block I ever made; and 2nd, I’m a buckeye, born and raised!
Linda Stone | 22nd Jul 20
U love the variety of reds you used in Broken Dishes!
Kathy Guenther | 22nd Jul 20
The Dresden plate pattern would be my all time favorite. I can just imagine those young ladies who went to the Canadian Rockies from the East with their china dishes to only find their new homes in the North to have been made of rustic beams and having dirt floors. They longed for home and sitting and stitching together quilts which reminded them of such. Thanks for all the pictures. I cannot wait to see the finished quilt. Hugs from Minnesota
Lidia | 22nd Jul 20
Ohio Star my favorite, so many combinations with colors!
Shannon | 22nd Jul 20
I love so many blocks but a special one is the log cabin. I love the tradition that the center square is red to represent the hearth. I also made a quilt for my husband, by request, using this pattern. In that quilt is used pieces of the blue cotton shirts he wore the day each of our daughters was born. Such a special quilt!
Deborah Devereaux | 22nd Jul 20
I love Sawtooth Stars or any star block for that matter! Also pinwheels always catch my eye!
Dori Bockbrader | 22nd Jul 20
I love Log Cabin.
Kim | 22nd Jul 20
I love all red and white quilts. My favorite block is the Bear’s Paw. It is one of the few blocks that my father actually likes and believe is manly enough for a quilt for him!
Lisa Willhite | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite is Kansas Troubles. Living in Kansas, I get to see a lot of old windmills, so it is really special to make blocks like them!
Debby | 22nd Jul 20
I love any kind of star block….Sawtooth Star….Your red & white quilt is an inspiration to me….Definitely need to make one:)
LeAnne Kehoe | 22nd Jul 20
I love the log cabin! Your blocks look beautiful!
Dawn DeLing | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is New York Beauty. PS – Thanks for your gorgeous BH3 blocks.
Leonie ChinDuncan | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the nine patch because it was used in my first quilt.
Lois | 22nd Jul 20
My favorite block is the Martha Washington block. I do not know any of the history but would love to learn!
Ellen Reibling | 22nd Jul 20
I love a churndash
Suzanne Coyner | 23rd Jul 20
I love the churn dash block. Very simple, but a favorite in many designs. Sont know the origin, but maybe it do with churning butter?
Lori | 23rd Jul 20
I love the House block and your Broken Dishes pattern from today!
Shari Kersey | 23rd Jul 20
Any star block! Love them all!
Karen | 23rd Jul 20
Bear paw and any star are my favorites!
Linda B | 23rd Jul 20
Log Cabin block is still my favorite, representing home and family in many a gifted quilt.
Janet Shotwell | 23rd Jul 20
I love red and white quilts!
Carolyn Sweetman | 23rd Jul 20
The Log Cabin and Churn Dash blocks are my all-time favorites.
Bebe | 23rd Jul 20
I like all tradional blocks, but one of my favorites is the Bears Paw. I just saw a black bear two weeks ago close to where I live.
don flans | 23rd Jul 20
Thank you so much.
Katie | 23rd Jul 20
I love an Ohio star!
Kerry Edick | 23rd Jul 20
It is so hard to pick a favorite block. Since I lean toward modern design, I like blocks without lots of pieces and and large bold shapes. I am going to pick the Duck’s Foot.
Gwen Wehner | 23rd Jul 20
I have always loved pineapple blocks!
Betty | 23rd Jul 20
I love basket blocks any and all
Brenda in SC | 23rd Jul 20
My favorite block, more of quilt actually is the crazy quilt as that is what I grew up watching my grandmother make with silks, satins, velvets and lace. She used some of the most beautiful material, buttons and what-nots she could find to make those quilts and then would gift them to family and friends.
Fran Anderson | 23rd Jul 20
I love the churn dash block
Jean Horne | 23rd Jul 20
My favorite are stars they are so crisp and they always catch my eye. I have seen them used many different ways. actually I love all quilt blocks. I am new at piecing and I have enjoyed all of they designs. Fun to explore all of them.
Anne Simpson | 23rd Jul 20
My favorite block is the trip around the world, mainly because my grandmother pieced quilt tops and when we were married I got to pick one. It won second place in the local quilt show. My mother hand quilted it for me, and has made a quilt for all of my children, and now I do the same…but I don’t hand piece! Only hand quilt.
Michele Lewis | 23rd Jul 20
Love your block & designs🥰. My favorite block, I love the way you can make a strip block then turn in to make so many different patterns. Thank you .
Lee | 23rd Jul 20
I think my favorite block would be the churn dash. Would love to win your cream and red bundle. Thanks.
Pam Peterson | 23rd Jul 20
I really like this broken dishes block.
I am a simple kinda gal. I love 4 patch and 9 patch patterns. Then when I get fancy I like Star blocks.
However, now that I have more time to sew (recently retired) I am trying more things.
I have been added to the FB group and love the patterns and inspiration.
Diana T. | 23rd Jul 20
My favorite block is Wheel Of Time. I had joined a ‘block swap’ with 25 other ladies in a FB quilt group a few years ago. My block to share was the Wheel of Time and it was so fun to send out and receive the different blocks from others! What a special gift it was creating a sampler quilt joined with love =} Thank you for the block and giveaway!
Margaret Crow | 23rd Jul 20
Joanna, your blocks are fabulous! I love seeing them every week. I have always be drawn to blocks with HSTs. My favorite is Lady of the Lake. Thank you for being a part of the Blockheads.
Terri Uden | 23rd Jul 20
My favorite block is a log cabin block. There are so many ways to arrange it to make so many different quilts.
Denise Clason | 23rd Jul 20
I really enjoy your blocks, and how you use your fabrics for each block. Awesome and Amazing!
Diane W | 23rd Jul 20
Log cabin! Can make so many neat tops by how you arrange the block.
Ilse Rojas 🌺 | 23rd Jul 20
The first block I learned to do was The Ohio Star…for me its still a complicated block because of the hour glass unit, but I still love it!
Michelle Kieffer | 23rd Jul 20
I really like the Cathedral Window block. However, I have never tried making this block. It reminds me of going to my Grandma’s house and the enjoyable times visiting with her.
Betty Weisjahn | 23rd Jul 20
Log cabin is my favorite. Every time I make a quilt with this block I imagine what it must have been like sewing quilts by hand from used or left over clothing fabric. I imagine sewing in a log cabin on a prairie or by a lake here in Minnesota. Looking out hoping to complete that quilt before the snow flies so you can give it a special gift or keep it for yourself hoping it’ll help keep your family warm thru the harsh winter time.
Sharon Tucker | 23rd Jul 20
My favorite block to make is any with HSTs, but I have been fascinated by hexagons lately.
Elaine Truelove | 23rd Jul 20
Thank you so much for contributing to this Blockheads Journey! This is my first Blockheads QAL and I have learned so much! I would love to win the fabric bundle. My local quilt shops are still closed and getting fabric is a bit of a challenge right now…
Cynthia Karas | 23rd Jul 20
I love a basket block, you can make so many different ways. Who doesn’t love a little basket block? If it is made out of red and white even better. Red is my favorite color so it’s all good!
Robyn Williams | 23rd Jul 20
I love the Sawtooth Star! easy to showcase a favorite fabric and goes together quickly!
Bonnie Neeley | 23rd Jul 20
Card Tricks is one of my favorites. I am enjoying learning to make all the different blocks from the team of designers. Thank you for this incredible journey.
Karen Wheeler | 23rd Jul 20
Seven Sisters is my favorite block.
Kristy | 23rd Jul 20
Can’t wait to make this block….. it is new to me I just hope I can do it justice with my fabric picks.
Desta Brown | 23rd Jul 20
My favorite blocks is the churn dash and the basket block. Both are classics!
Lisa | 23rd Jul 20
I dont have a favorite traditional block but lately Ive been drawn to log cabin quilts….so many options for layouts and variations. I like anything stars too.
Julie Lloyd | 23rd Jul 20
I love a log cabin block and also courthouse steps!
Lisa Hotchkiss | 23rd Jul 20
The Irish Chain Block and the House blocks have to be my favorites I have a very hard time picking between the two. I am loving your blockhead 3 color choices. I think it is going to be stunning when its finished
Joy Kuoha | 23rd Jul 20
My favorite block is the pinapple block! It is so lovely!
Cindy A. | 23rd Jul 20
My favorite block is the Ohio star, perhaps because I live in OH. I love house blocks too!
I love all of your fabrics and patterns!
Christine Brodie | 23rd Jul 20
I actually have two favorite blocks. The log cabin, which goes way back to the 1800’s, also my favorite fabrics.
And the nine patch. The 9 patch quilt- It was the change in construction, from pieced medallions to nine-patch blocks that revolutionised American quilting. While bed-size quilts required a lot of room to piece, pieced patterns could be assembled in a relatively small space and easily carried until stitched together. (information from the History of American Quilts) Scrappy or planned. When I have a few minutes I sew some scrappy nine patch blocks and put them away until I have enough for a quilt.
Anne Smith | 23rd Jul 20
I choose the Ohio Star but am finding that trying so many new blocks with Blockheads 3 may sway me in another direction. Thank you all for these great designs and tutorials.
Sallie | 23rd Jul 20
So many I could name, however the humble HST, makes as many variation blocks as your imagination will take you!
Lisa Boles | 23rd Jul 20
I love the log cabin block. So many different looks from one block!
Block Heads 3 - Archive | All things here | 24th Jul 20
[…] Joanna’s blog post for Block 28 […]
Paula Rinde | 24th Jul 20
My favorite block is the Christmas Star. I really can’t say what it is about it that makes me happy when I see it, but it sure does.
Julie Kennedy | 24th Jul 20
I love the versatility of the nine-patch block.
Deborah Yates | 24th Jul 20
I love your red and cream fabrics. Your quilt will be amazing.
Tana Riffel | 24th Jul 20
There is something about a churn dash block that always draws me in!
Patty | 24th Jul 20
I love them all!!! But would love to purchase this cream & red fabrics.. hope it’s still available for purchase..
Cathy Hepburn | 24th Jul 20
Having to choose one is not easy. I love the square in a square followed by the disappearing 9 patch.
Anne Beck | 24th Jul 20
I too love the Broken Dishes pattern. I especially love to use it when it is the fabric I love, and I just want to make it into a quilt. Have followed you ever since you did the Charity Quilt with FQS several years back. You still do lovely work. Would love to have the Red & Creme fabrics. Thanks for the chance.
Barbara Johnson | 24th Jul 20
I’ve always been drawn to star blocks, and in particular, the “Barbara Fritchie” star. Maybe because my name is Barbara, too? Anyway, I did a some research on the name at one point, and it is supposedly named for a woman who defied the Confederate occupation of her town of Frederick, MD. She flew the Union flag and the general ordered her to remove it, but she wouldn’t. He then ordered his soldiers to shoot her. She is supposed to have said that they could shoot ‘her old grey head, but spare your country’s flag”. The embarrassed general told them to let her fly her flag.
JB | 24th Jul 20
Churn dash, esp combined with rail fence! 💓
joanna | 24th Jul 20
Love the churn dash…made a square table topper for my kitchen table many years ago with reds, yellows & blues. Looked great!
Heather Martin | 24th Jul 20
Thanks for sharing your blocks with us each week. I enjoy admiring them. My favorite block is the Carolina Lilly.
Sandra Richardson | 24th Jul 20
I love the Dresden Plate and I love applique too.
Gloria Yates | 24th Jul 20
My favorite block is a Churn Dash block. And red and white is is my favorite combination of colors. I rarely make anything without some red somewhere!
Quilting Tangent | 24th Jul 20
Mariner’s Compass is my favorite block.
Annette F. | 24th Jul 20
All time favorite would be the log cabin block. It’s the first block kind of block I made for the first quilt I made 40 years ago.
Sharon Tunbridge | 24th Jul 20
I love any block that represents stars. As for a favourite? Well I’m still learning and I have loved being part of this quilting group because I have learnt so much. Thank you Joanna for your inspiration. I was going to nominate the Log Cabin block for the same reasons that Annette F. Commented on. A perfect beginner block.
Wanda Marsh | 24th Jul 20
I love the Log Cabin block. It is one of the first I learned to make. I love how flexible and adaptable it can be, both in layout and block creation. In a class, I was told that the log cabin was used to indicate when a station on the Underground Railroad was safe. They changed the color of the beginning square that becomes the middle of the block from the traditional red. I can’t remember the color they used instead. I don’t know if this is historically accurate.
Linda M | 24th Jul 20
Log cabin is my favorite, but really it’s a bit hard to choose just one don’t you think?
Paulette | 24th Jul 20
I love churn dash blocks. Especially when they are on point.
Diann McCarthy | 25th Jul 20
The Ohio star is my favorite. I love how it looks when joined together in a quilt or just by itself with sashing.
Teri | 25th Jul 20
Bear paw block
Kathleen Jones | 25th Jul 20
It is difficult to pick just one traditional block. I lean toward traditional blocks because of the versatility. Also I learned to quilt with traditional quilts. I made a honeybee block for one class with hand stitching. A few hours later I found the block with several cuts into it. I had left it on the table with scissors next to it. My 3 y/o daughter decided she could add her touch to it. I had to remake the block. And now I smile when I see that block.
Vicki J McRell | 25th Jul 20
My favorite is star blocks. Next up after that has to be log cabin. I learned on a log cabin. Lots of mistakes but I have improved over the years.
Jaime Penney | 25th Jul 20
My favorite traditional block is the Lemoyne Star. Always drawn to stars, despite the fact that points stress me out!
Gail L | 25th Jul 20
I am so loving your red and cream blocks— so beautiful! I’m intrigued by so many blocks, but I absolutely love star blocks. I especially partial to the Ohio star since that’s where I live!
Sally | 26th Jul 20
Love your red & white theme. One of my first quilts I made was a red & white one. One of my favorite blocks is Churn & Dash.
Sheri | 26th Jul 20
I am brand new to quilting and love seeing all the interesting fabrics chosen for the center square of broken dishes. I think this one is my favorite so far.
Julie Young | 26th Jul 20
Log cabin! I’ve actually made 2 quilt tops in the pattern this month. One queen size and one wall hanging. Each one had the same number of pieces but used different width of strips. It’s amazing how that makes such a difference. But makes it easy to plan your layout.
Karen R | 26th Jul 20
I love pinwheels as they remind me of childhood and summer break!
Pat K. | 26th Jul 20
Choosing a favorite block is difficult. For me the all time favorites are two ( couldn’t decide which was better). I love the log cabin and churn dash. Something about the older tried and true blocks seem to be in most of my quilts.
Sue | 26th Jul 20
My favourite blocks are pinwheel blocks, for the movement and fun, and logcabin blocks. I love the different looks you can get with a logcabin block, just by changing the fabric. Simple and effective.
Linda A Bishop | 26th Jul 20
My favorite block must be the churn dash. I have seen so many variations in colors and print.I have even seen a quilt used as shower curtain.
Janet | 27th Jul 20
My favorite block is the churn dash
JOSIE Davis | 27th Jul 20
I love Grandmother’s flower garden but also am a big appliquer.
Jennifer Daniel-Johnson | 28th Jul 20
My favorite traditional quilt block is the Ohio Star. It is the first block I ever made, (at 16 years of age in 1987). I used a set of prepackaged Laura Ashley patchwork squares sold at their stores, (yes – precuts really did exist then. It was a pack of precut set of 5-6″ squares using their “Viola” floral fabric collection of coordinating violet and green prints. I did all the piecing by hand as English Paper Piecing, as that is what I had been taught by my great aunt. It was not until 1996 that I discovered machine piecing and quilting, and made my first quilt – an Ohio Star Quilt using a pattern from a book “Stars Across America,.” by Eleanor Burns. I love that the star can be made from so many different types and sizes of prints, solids, ombre and wovens. It is an easy block to make, by highlights the fabric so beautifully.
Tracey Mccombe | 30th Jul 20
Hi Joanna, my favourite block is the carpenters star block. Would love to do a whole quilt out of them. I’ve made one 18inch block and I loved it. Thank you for all your knowledge that you share with us.
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 11th Aug 20
Those are some of my favorite blocks too. Love them every time!
Linda W Lowery | 1st Aug 20
I am very disappointed with your block 28, Why did you not give directions for the 8 in block. I am making my blocks 8 in. I do not want to add a strip around it. That looks like you messed up on the blocks and instead of fixing it stuck a strip around it it looks like a very inexperienced fix on a mess up. I am able to rescale the block but many of our quilters are not that experienced.
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 11th Aug 20
My block cannot be made as an 8″ block without changing the block construction. Since is it on a 6″ scale it can only be made with the same proportions as a 9″ or 12″ block. Feel free to use it or not. Or use any other block from the dozens that are being offered in this free program. Happy Quilting!