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If you are looking for the SPLENDID SAMPLER POST, just scroll down one post below.  Hello Friends! It is quite possible that you can relate to this… but I think I have a bag problem. A big one.     I know that many women have a thing for shoes and I know that we all have a thing for fabric… but bags might just be my downfall.     Let's just say that I definitely have more of them than I need and I feel the need to make more, way more frequently than…

Splendid Sampler Day!

Thanks for stopping by here on your SPLENDID SAMPLER adventure.. and quite an adventure it has turned out to be. Who knew it would be this kind of world wide phenomenon??  If you don't know about it, go HERE to  learn more about it! THE SPLENDID SAMPLER In a nutshell, the Splendid Sampler is a year-long quilt-along hosted by Pat Sloan and Jane Davidson. Each week they provide 2 new 6″ x 6″ quilt blocks, designed by dozens of different designers, 83 total to be exact I think! If…


So hopefully by now most of you have received and are already enjoying our LITTLE BOX OF FIGS: The Fall Edition. Thank you to all of you how have let us know how much you are loving the "ingredients" of this second box! We are so very glad! I know that many of you missed out on this annual subscription and are wondering if you have any chance of jumping in on the fun. ORDERING UPDATES So here is the scoop…. we do not have any more official spots for this year [although every once in a while…

Bundle Winner & Other Goodies!

Thank you everyone for playing along. I hope you got to go to the MODA blog and see all of the yummy bundles the designers have been working with! If you are Kathleen D and you posted on 7/21/16 2:16 PM  and said… The Ribbons quilt is lovely any time of year… But, my favorite right now would be Slices! It's the perfect time for some watermelon! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! I'll be crossing my fingers in the hope that I'll be your very lucky…

Fig Tree DESIGNER SELECT SOLID BUNDLE… brought to you by MODA!

If you are new here today, welcome to my little corner of the world wide web!  I know I have already talked just a wee bit about these this summer but today is a special day in blogland. It is MODA BELLA SOLIDS DAY! If you float around a little today, you might notice that several of us designers are talking about our bundle… all of them are quite yummy, each representing the colors in that designer's signature palette. Ours is…. well, classic Fig Tree. Not pastel. Not primary. Not totally bright, not totally soft. Somewhere…