So we have been getting a lot of emails and DM questions as to how we did our version of Corey’s first BLOCKHEADS block so I thought I would share a real quick…

  1. All of the other measurements and construction will stay the same other than what I have changed here. We chose the 12″ block.
  2. Basically I made the units to make a sawtooth star block in the center and then added (4) hourglass units to the outer sides. The outer chain sections stay the same. This way I avoided triangles and bias, used my favorite SEW&FLIP method that I used in all of our patterns and for me… simplified the process a lot. The result was great!
  3. So… A,B,C are the same and the construction of that unit is the same.
  4. Piece D and E are both cut at 4 ⅜” instead of 4 ¼”. The reason for this is that once we make the hourglass unit, I want to be able to trim it down to size.
  5. Piece G is (8) 2″ squares instead of triangles.
  6. Instead of the original piece F, I cut (4) 2″ x 3 ½” rectangles + (1) 4 ⅜” square that I cut in ½ on the diagonal TWICE to go with the other D and E pieces I cut above.
  7. Using the 2″ x 3 ½” [F] and 2″ [G], I made (4) flying geese using the SEW&FLIP method.
  8. Using D,E as well as the 4 ⅜” triangles [F ], I constructed hourglass units. I them trimmed them down to 3 ½” square for a perfect match.
  9. Using those units I assembled the block. It was easy peasy!

Let us know if you have any other questions!

About The Author


  1. Adeline | 18th Jan 20

    Thank you for sharing your simplified version of BH3 Block 1. Really appreciate it!

  2. Ms | 29th Jan 20

    Can you convert to Accuquilt or list finished sizes?

    • | 31st Jan 20

      All the finished sizes are listed in the instructions that you will download from each designers blog. Thanks

  3. Cheryl | 3rd Feb 20

    What is the sew&flip method that your use?

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