Just a little summertime fun…

More than anything lately I have been enjoying photographing my children in every possible summer scenario lately [they are all so sick of me following them around with my camera!] but I don't want to inundate you with hundreds of Fig children shots. I mean I do think they are cute and everything 🙂 but… And then there have been these little bowls, just bowls, nothing more. Something about them is so full of the feel of summer and vibrant color and tactile warmth and juicy freshness and Mill House Inn goodness and my favorite kind of…

First & Last Quilts…. kind of

Well, I have finally caved to peer pressure. MANY of you have been tormenting me for days…. you know exactly who you are… Camille and others…. about joining these festivities that Carrie and Camille started last week. What were you gals thinking of anyway? You all just needed something good to chuckle about didn't you? Slow summer :-)…? I kept telling you that I had absolutely no idea where my first quilt was or exactly how to find it.  You didn't believe me. I know it sounded like an excuse. But it…

Back to the Future

Greetings friends & neighbors… I start so many of my newsletters and other notes that way, who knows why really, I don't think that any of my neighbors read my blog… although on the other hand, perhaps I have a secret neighborhood following? Ha! My neighbors have absolutely no idea what it is I do up here until all hours of the night. In fact Eric and I have a long standing joke that they must think that all sorts of hinky things are happening in this household… let me tell you a little story…

Fig Tree 80/20 Principle

For the past 8 or 9 years [wow, is that actually possible?] each month, usually on the 3rd friday night of that month, from dinner time until midnight,  I get to do something fun, educational and inspirational… and I get paid for it. I gotta tell you… I love my job! I teach a monthly drop in quilting/sewing class at one of my local quilt shops to a group of ladies, most of whom have by now become long time friends more than students. Each Friday we bring potluck goodies to share, stories to tell, projects…

Quick Fig Tree Club Clarifications

Quick Fig Tree Club Answers: *********************** Many of you have emailed with Fig Tree Club questions and I just wanted to post a few of the responses here in case anyone else has the same questions.  •  The shops all have a wide range of spots available based on what they signed up for. If one shop is full, feel free to call around to another to see if they still have openings, whether it be brick & mortar or online. Shops should also be starting wait lists if they fill up so inquire. •  The reason the spots are…