Welcome back to Week 2 of our Valentine’s Day 2025 MYSTERY SEW ALONG. I am so happy to see so many of you are joining us!

Last week, we made a set of sweet hearts and this week we are making a whole bunch of four-patches. Once we have these components, we can start to put the blocks together – next week!

Keep on schedule with us and you will be good and ready.



This week, you will be making (30) small and (6) large 4-patch blocks.

…and in case you missed it, here are our previous blog posts for the Valentine’s Sew Along:



We are providing you instructions in TWO ways – both right here on the blog, as well as a downloadable PDF if you prefer a print-out (click below).






  • From red or coral print [2nd main block fabric]:
    • Cut (5) 2” strips. Cut (104) 2” squares [d].
      • You will be using (60) squares this week. Save the rest for a future week.

DESIGN NOTE: We are using a single red fabric that coordinates closely with the red print we chose for the hearts. A single coral print here would also look lovely and would provide a bit of an accent. If you want to go scrappy for these little squares, I recommend that all of your prints “read” red or coral. Again, what I mean by that is that they are mostly red/coral with a small print. When you squint your eyes, you should see that red/coral color mainly. If your prints are too large here, you will lose the chain that will be created with these next month. IF YOU ARE WANTING TO ADD ANOTHER COLOR, this would be a great place to do it. HOWEVER, if you want to do that, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you use all of that color for all of these squares and not mix the red with another color. Basically, you will want all of these squares to be the same color, regardless of what that color is.

  • From each of (6) cream prints [soft, low volumes used in Week 1]:
    • Cut (1) 2” strip. Cut (18) 2” squares [e]*.
    • *NOTE #1: These are the same fabrics you used with your hearts last week. I do not recommend using anything different for these than you did for the blocks. These will be used together with last week’s hearts in the final block and you will want them to all be cohesive. Due to the scrappy nature of this pattern, you will have a few extra of these cut pieces.
    • *NOTE #2: You will be using (60) squares this week. Save the rest for a future week.


FROM YOUR ACCENT BLOCK FABRICS [you have not used these fabrics yet]:

  • From each of (4) cream prints [more “busy” cream prints are fine here]:
    • Cut (1) 6 ½” strip. Cut (6) 6 ½” squares [f].
      • You will be using (12) squares this week. Save the rest for a future week.

DESIGN NOTE: We chose to work with a variety of cream prints here in a mix of scale and value. See our block pictures for more direction in your fabric choices.

  • From each of (4) assorted light/soft pink prints:
    • Cut (1) 6 ½” strip. Cut (6) 6 ½” squares [g].
      • You will be using (12) squares this week. Save the rest for a future week.



Step 1: Using pieces [d/e], join together to make a small four-patch unit. Press toward red or coral.

DESIGN NOTE: If you are working with scrappy low volumes, you want these to be nice and scrappy, using a variety of prints and not the same print in each four patch [this is why we are piecing them individually as opposed to from strip sets].

Make (30) units.
Units will measure 3 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ square.

Step 2: Using pieces [f/g], join together to make a large four-patch block. Press toward pink.

Make (6) blocks.
Blocks will measure 12 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ square.



See you back here next week! Don’t forget to join our FACEBOOK GROUP and share your progress. Check out just a small sampling of our members’ heart blocks from WEEK 1…

Happy Sewing,


About The Author


  1. Susan R. | 24th Jan 25

    Love your blog, posts, fabrics etc. (as usual). The valentine blocks are adorable and I especially appreciate the option of printing the directions vs. doing a “copy and paste” that is not always easy. Your fabric bundles fly off the shelf and I’m hoping you may offer more…
    Enjoy your weekend.

    • | 24th Jan 25

      Thanks so much. We try really hard to keep our customers happy. 🙂

  2. Carol | 24th Jan 25

    I am loving this Quilt along! I finished my hearts last night and started on Week 2 this morning before work. I hope to get that done this weekend. Thank you for the lovely pattern! I didn’t used to love hearts but I really do now. They just make me happy!

    • | 24th Jan 25

      That’s fantastic! Thank you for joining us.

  3. Jeannie Boyles | 29th Jan 25

    I’m loving the Mystery quilt sew along. I’ve finished my heart blocks and have started the small four patches. Sometimes deciding on what fabrics to use is my delima!

    • | 30th Jan 25

      I am so glad you are sewing along with us!

  4. Karen | 31st Jan 25

    So many choices in fabric! That’s what I love

    • | 6th Feb 25

      Yes, so many ways to do this one!

  5. Susan Rose Gilliam | 1st Feb 25

    I haven’t been able to download or print any of the instructions even when I find something to click on. I’ve never had a problem with this on other blogs.

    • | 6th Feb 25

      Not sure. Hundreds of people are downloading them each day. Perhaps try a larger device?
      Good luck!

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