We are so excited that the Figs & Shirtings STITCHERY SAMPLER QUILT “in a box” are finally starting to arrive from MODA this week!! So I just wanted to give everyone a quick heads up on our plans for our upcoming SEW ALONG. We were originally going to start earlier but made some new plans with this crazy year so here are a few “deets”.
We are so excited to work on this quilt with you guys, one week at a time!!
We will have lots more info soon but here are the basics:
WHEN: Each week starting on Friday January 8 and going for 13 weeks, WHAT: We will be working on one block per week per plus one week for the setting.
WHERE: We will be posting a video HERE each Friday to YouTube so if you would like to be ready for it, please subscribe HERE.
OTHER FUN THINGS: We will be having some GIVEAWAYS, special offers and more special announcements coming. We will be sewing together in our FACEBOOK GROUP. It is called FIG TREE QUILTS FRIENDS, click HERE to request to join.
More info soon so stay tuned!!
We are a few days late on this Week #13 finishing up post… family…
April 7, 2021As announced before, please remember that this block has a correction. It is listed on…
March 26, 2021
Jenny | 14th Dec 20
Is it too late to join this?
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 20th Dec 20
Not at all. We have either a pattern or a kit. We will be working through it here on the blog, in our facebook group and via weekly videos!
Pat Vargo | 14th Dec 20
When do I sign up?
Michele Raiola | 15th Dec 20
I’m excited. Love this quilt. Can’t wait to get my fabric.
Nancy Lightfield | 19th Dec 20
Do I need a book for this sewalong?
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 20th Dec 20
There is either a pattern or a kit. Take a look in the shop for either. Thank you,
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 30th Dec 20
Yes, there is a pattern. It is called Stitchery Sampler.
Elsy Chapa | 4th Jan 21
I just heard about this sew along and it seems like you sold out on the kit will you be getting mote and do I have to buy the book is there a pattern only option. Will the videos be on for a while so I can order the fabric and catch up