Welcome back to week 9 and to Block #9 THE DASH BLOCK info for our STITCHERY SAMPLER SEW ALONG. If you need background information, please click HERE or HERE.
This block is our DASH block, and a very straight forward block… one that is very simple to construct and square up if needed.
This block is a perfect opportunity for you to showcase some of your favorite scraps with 18 different dashes in two sizes… it is a great chance to make those scraps shine!
I have a couple of quick hints to share with you guys about being successful with this block on the video so check it out!
Happy Sewing!
Follow us on Instagram HERE: This week we have a fun GIVEAWAY ON INSTAGRAM so be sure to come check it out on Friday!
Come join us in our Facebook Group: Fig Tree Quilts Friends HERE to see us work on this sampler together, be encouraged and inspired, ask questions and have a chance to win some goodies while you are at it.
See you guys next Friday with Block #10… only 3 more to go!
We are a few days late on this Week #13 finishing up post… family…
April 7, 2021As announced before, please remember that this block has a correction. It is listed on…
March 26, 2021