As announced before, please remember that this block has a correction. It is listed on our website HERE and we also talk about it on this week’s video.
Welcome back to week 12 and to Block #12 THE STITCH BLOCK info for our STITCHERY SAMPLER SEW ALONG. If you need background information, please click HERE or HERE.
This block is our STITCH block, and in this week’s video, I talk about the various different sizes and widths you can make your “stitch” based on what you might like.
Given that we had the correction on this one, we thought it was a good opportunity to talk about how the block changes with one simple change.
Also come see how we made this one extra scrappy and fun!
Happy Sewing!
Follow us on Instagram HERE: We will for sure have a fun giveaway at the end of the Sew Along so be sure you are following along.
Come join us in our Facebook Group: Fig Tree Quilts Friends HERE to see us work on this sampler together, be encouraged and inspired, ask questions and have a chance to win some goodies while you are at it.
See you guys next Friday with Block #12 and the border info!
We are a few days late on this Week #13 finishing up post… family…
April 7, 2021Welcome back to week 11 and to Block #11 THE WINDMILL BLOCK info for our…
March 19, 2021