Welcome back to week 10 and to Block #10 THE ZIGZAG BLOCK info for our STITCHERY SAMPLER SEW ALONG. If you need background information, please click HERE or HERE.
This block is our ZIGZAG block, and one that I know at least a few of you are dreading because of all of those little flying geese. If that is you, please watch the video to see which points I think really matter and which ones don’t matter so much… just to make your journey a little bit easier!
Also come see how we made this one extra scrappy and fun!
Happy Sewing!
Follow us on Instagram HERE: This week we have another fun GIVEAWAY ON INSTAGRAM so be sure to come check it out on Friday!
Come join us in our Facebook Group: Fig Tree Quilts Friends HERE to see us work on this sampler together, be encouraged and inspired, ask questions and have a chance to win some goodies while you are at it.
See you guys next Friday with Block #11… only 2 more to go!
We are a few days late on this Week #13 finishing up post… family…
April 7, 2021As announced before, please remember that this block has a correction. It is listed on…
March 26, 2021
Suzanne Scarola | 12th Mar 21
I see the mentions of Instagram giveaways but have not seen one on Instagram yet. I follow you and post to the #stitcherysamplerqal Is there somewhere else these are posted?
joanna@figtreequilts.com | 15th Mar 21
We are doing them on Instgram, did one in stories before, one is closing on the main page today. Have also been doing some smaller ones in the facebook group. Thanks for joining us!