Finger Update: Thanks for SO MANY of you who have messaged and emailed me about my finger mishap. Lets just say… I don’t talk and rotary cut anymore! It is not pretty but it is definitely healing okay. After a week of dressings and bandages, etc, we are finally starting to get something that looks like a scab! Who knew that I would be this excited for a scab! its all perspective, I guess, right? Anyway… enough about that! Thank you for the well wishes.
Okay, now for the pillows. Get ready for some serious pillow photo overload!
If you are looking for tips and our info on pillows and how we make them and finish them and embellishments, zippers, pillow forms, etc. Look here:
Week 1: Set Up
Week 2: Patriotic
Week 3: Neutral
Week 4: Two Color
Week 5: Autumn
Week 6: Halloween
Week 7: Christmas
Also take a look at the MODA CUTTING TABLE BLOG for lots of info on all of the weeks of the Sew Along, HERE.
For today… here is some pillow eye candy!
As you guys can see, it is very easy to make pillows that “move” across the seasons and yet still feel very new and fresh when paired with others that are more in a specific season or color combo. I think the neutral NINE ACROSS pillow made it into every single grouping!
Thank you to so many of you who participated and made pillows along with us these past few weeks. It has been so much fun to see everyone’s interpretations of the blocks and the pillows.
And I have had so many of you tell me that you always wanted pillows but never took the time to make any and you are so happy with your new collections. That makes me so happy! If you want to see what some others have made, take a look at our #pillowalong hashtag on Instagram.
Many of you have emailed me and asked… well, I started some blocks for pillows and finished some but not others… any suggestions? Yes I do have a suggestion. Look at those blocks as your ample or test blocks. Which ones “sung” to you when you made them?
Which ones made you happy and wanting to make more? Whether you ended up making pillows with them or not, you might know which ones are going to be your favorites so I suggest you pick the one you loved making the most and start the quilt!!
Choose your favorite scraps, pick the season or color palette you want to work with and GO FOR IT. Our deepest hope as we wrote and worked on this book was that the chapters would inspire you to make all kinds of wonderful scrappy goodies for your home! So which one will be your first quilt?
The ladies at ITS SEW EMMA and the FQS [our publisher] have graciously offered to give a $100 gift card to TWO PEOPLE!! Yup. Thank you so much Kimberly!!
Enter on my INSTAGRAM HERE or on Carrie’s INSTAGRAM HERE. This AWESOME GIVEAWAY is good on Instagram only… so if you have been thinking of joining us there… not only is it the place where I am a little bit every single day, it is also the main place where we do giveaways. So come on over and join us. It’s a lovely place.
So if after all of thid pillow goodness… you still have a pillow question, ask it below here and I will answer it.
Thanks friends! Joanna
EDIT: If you are Dana well then CONGRATS. YOU ARE OUR BLOG…
May 26, 2023Welcome to WEEK #7!! We are working our way through my latest book, SCRAPBOOK OF…
August 3, 2021
Pat Murphy | 11th Aug 21
I am interested in the Little Box of Figs. I can’t find it here. Am I looking in the right place? | 11th Aug 21
Those usually sell out the previous year. Keep your eyes open for sign ups for next year’s subscription. The sign ups will be happening in the next month or so.